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Chapter 1 - A-B - Theme Words
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Slide 1:
Middelbare school
vmbo k
Leerjaar 3
Cette leçon contient
13 diapositives
, avec
diapositives de texte
La durée de la leçon est:
50 min
Commencer la leçon
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Éléments de cette leçon
Slide 1 - Diapositive
What do you need this lesson?
- Your textbook
- Your workbook
- Your notebook
- A pen
- Smartphone (on quiet)
- Earbuds/headphones
- Food/drinks (this means water as well)
- Gum
* Bags on the floor
- Jackets/Coats
On your desk:
In your bag (not pockets):
In your locker:
Slide 2 - Diapositive
What do you always have to do?
Always take a notebook with you to class.
Write down the grammar rules in your notebook.
Write other important stuff in your notebook.
No notebook (or an empty one) means that you've forgotten your work.
Create a vocabulary list at the end of your notebook. This broadens your vocabulary and help you remember more.
Take Notes!
Vocabulary list
Always do your homework + don't forget to bring your homework, books, pen and notebook with you.
Slide 3 - Diapositive
Learning goals
I know words about looks and numbers;
I can use words correctly;
I can use numbers correctly;
I can write numbers correctly;
Slide 4 - Diapositive
Chapter 1:
Theme words
Recap previous lesson;
Explanation of appearances and numbers;
10. Draw the faces
11. Find out the meaning
12. Choose the correct answer
14. Learn the words - numbers
15. Solve the puzzle
16 Complete the dialogue
Slide 5 - Diapositive
B - nice to meet you.
On your own: - BOOK
Open page 40 of your book.
Use different colours
Listen to "describing other people" and draw Lisa's brother and sister.
In the classroom:
- Tell me how you've done. Show me the drawings.
10. Draw the faces
Slide 6 - Diapositive
B - nice to meet you.
On your own: - Laptop
- Tick the words that you already know
- Write down the Dutch translations.
In the classroom:
- What are the correct answers? Tell me and the class? Random selection.
11. Find out the meaning
Slide 7 - Diapositive
B - nice to meet you.
On your own: - Laptop
- Choose the correct answer.
- Click (or circle) the correct words.
- Look at the pictures on the next page (page 41)
- Write the correct word under the pictures.
In the classroom:
- What are the correct answers? Tell me and the class. Random selection.
12. Choose the correct answer
Slide 8 - Diapositive
B - nice to meet you.
On your own: - Laptop
- Look at the numbers
- Look at the white board
- Try to write down the English word of certain numbers. The teacher will write them down on the board.
In the classroom:
- What are the correct answers?
14. Learn the words
Slide 9 - Diapositive
B - nice to meet you.
On your own: - Laptop
- Write down the numbers.
In the classroom:
- What are the correct answers?
15. Solve the puzzle
Slide 10 - Diapositive
B - nice to meet you.
On your own: - Laptop
- Write down the correct words.
- Write down how old your family members are.
In the classroom:
- Tell the class how old your family members are. You'll take turns.
16. Complete the dialogue
Slide 11 - Diapositive
What have you learned?
I know words about looks and numbers;
I can use words correctly;
I can use numbers correctly;
I can write numbers correctly;
Slide 12 - Diapositive
Next Lesson (Homework)
Next lesson:
Chapter 1 - C reading
Study theme words: Looks + Numbers page 74
Add words to your vocabulary list
Slide 13 - Diapositive
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