Unit 2, LOL

Unit 2,  LOL
Go to MagisterLearn and check the - P2 Planning 
1 / 50
Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 5

Cette leçon contient 50 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Unit 2,  LOL
Go to MagisterLearn and check the - P2 Planning 

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Week 44, Lesson 1  
 Some of the best April Fool's Day pranks in history
Learning Targets: 
  • Reading comprehension, understand the main themes and arguments
  • Be able to use the skimming strategy
  • Do doex. 1-11 (10-11 online) and study vocab
  • When finished , study words from Unit 1

Slide 2 - Diapositive

What did we do in the last lesson?

What was today's homework?

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Week 44, Lesson 2 

Learning targets: You understand the difference between Past Simple and Present Perfec.t
  • Homework check
  • Grammar review - Write 3 sentences in Past Simple and 3 in Present Perfect
  • Do ex. 12-15
  • When finished , study vocabulary

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Week 45, Lesson 1

  • What did we do in the last lesson
  • Go to MagisterLearn , Unit 2, Lesson 1- Versterk jezelf -Past Simple and Past Perfect
  • Unit 2, Lesson 1 p 69 - ex. 9

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Week 45, Lesson 2 

Learning targets: Reading comprehension.- intensive reading, linking words ( however, therefore, nevertheless, though, as a result of , for instance, in other words, on the other hand) .
  • Inspect Unit 1 Test
  • Chose 4 linking words from the list and write one example for each
  • Unit 2, Lesson 2 Do animals have a sense of humour p.71
  • Do ex. 1-13 Linking words -ex. 10 & 12

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Week 45, Lesson 2 
Linking words
As a result of
 As a result of the heavy rain, the match was canceled.                                                                                                                                                        Als gevolg van de zware regen werd de wedstrijd afgelast.
I wanted to go to the beach; however, it started raining..                                                                                                                                                              Ik wilde naar het strand gaan; echter, het begon te regenen.
 The weather was bad; nevertheless, we decided to go for a walk.
 Het weer was slecht; desalniettemin besloten we een wandeling te maken.
On the other h
This car is fast; on the other hand, it uses a lot of fuel.
Deze auto is snel; aan de andere kant verbruikt hij veel brandstof.

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Week 45, Lesson 2 
Linking words

 Though it was raining, they went for a walk.   oewel het regende, gingen ze een wandeling maken.
: Hoewel het regende, gingen ze een wandeling maken.

 The weather was terrible; therefore, we decided to stay indoors.
h: Het weer was verschrikkelijk; daarom besloten we binnen te blijven.

Slide 8 - Diapositive

“What do you already know about Past Simple and Present Perfect?

Slide 9 - Carte mentale

Write down 3 things you learned in this lesson.

Slide 10 - Question ouverte

Write down 2 things you want to know more about.

Slide 11 - Question ouverte

Ask 1 question about something you haven't quite understood yet.

Slide 12 - Question ouverte

Week 44, Lesson 2  

  • What did we do in the last class?
  • What was today's homework?
  • Get your staff ready.

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Week 44, Lesson 2  
Learning Targets:  You understand the difference between Past Simple and Present Perfect and can use them independantly.
  • Homework check
  • Write 3 sentences using Past Simple and 3 using Present Perfect
  • Go to Versterk jezelf  Past Simple& Present Perfect
  • Lesson 1, Do ex. 9 
  • When finished , do a short reflection in your noteboooks

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Week 45, Lesson 2

  • What did we do in the last class?
  • What was today's homework?
  • Get your laptop ready.

Slide 15 - Diapositive

Week 45, Lesson 2  
The curious incident of the dog in the night-time- Mark Hadden
Learning Targets:  Understand the purpose and requirements of the literature assignment. Comprehend the plot of the story and identify key details.
  • Go to MagisterLearn- Literature
  • MagisterLearn- check Planning 
  • We will be reading the book in class every second lesson. After checking all uploaded documents and receiving your Literature Reader, please start reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

       Happy reading!

Slide 16 - Diapositive

Week 46, Lesson 1  

  • What did we do in the last class?
  • What was today's homework? Have you checked the answers in Magister Learn?
  • Get your staff ready.
do U2L2 ex. 17-22 and U2L3 ex. 1-6

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Week 46, Lesson 1 
Unit 2, Lesson 2 & 3 
Learning Targets:  You understand what prefixes are as well as the difference between Past Simple & Past continous. Reading comprehension "Reading from the medical world"
  • Prefixes
  • Simple Past & Past Continuous
  • do U2L2 ex. 18, 19,21  and U2L3  Read News from the medical world  -                do ex. 1-6

Slide 18 - Diapositive

How well did you work during this lesson?

Slide 19 - Sondage

Week 45, Lesson 2  
The curious incident of the dog in the night-time- Mark Hadden
Learning Targets:  Understand the purpose and requirements of the literature assignment. Comprehend the plot of the story and identify key details.
  • Go to MagisterLearn- Literature
  • MagisterLearn- check Planning 
  • We will be reading the book in class every second lesson. After checking all uploaded documents and receiving your Literature Reader, please start reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

       Happy reading!

Slide 20 - Diapositive

Week 46, Lesson 2  

  • What did we do in the last class?
  • What was today's homework?  Get your answers ready.
  • Get your Literature reader ready.

Slide 21 - Diapositive

Week 45, Lesson 2  
The curious incident of the dog in the night-time- Mark Hadden
Learning Targets:  Understand the purpose and requirements of the literature assignment. Comprehend the plot of the story and identify key details ( narrator, plot)
  • MagisterLearn Literature- Planning 
  • HW for next week - Answer questions 1-18 ( book p. 1-41)

       Happy reading!

Slide 22 - Diapositive

Week 45, Lesson 2  
The curious incident of the dog in the night-time- Mark Hadden

  • Cardinal numbers vs prime numbers
Cardinale getallen zijn de gewone telgetallen die aangeven "hoeveel." Bijvoorbeeld 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, enzovoort. Dit zijn de getallen die je gebruikt om dingen te tellen.

Priemgetallen zijn speciale getallen groter dan 1 die alleen deelbaar zijn door 1 en henzelf, zonder dat er een rest overblijft. Dit betekent dat ze geen andere delers hebben. Bijvoorbeeld, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 en 13 zijn priemgetallen, omdat je ze alleen kunt delen door 1 en het getal zelf.


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Week 47, Lesson 1

  • What did we do in the last class?
  • What was today's homework?
  • Get ready for your class.

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Week 46, Lesson 1 
Unit 2, Lesson 2 & 3 
Learning Targets:  You understand the difference between adjectives and adverbs and can use these in a sentence . You understand the comparisons, the difference between few and less.
  • Unit 2, Lesson 3
  • Adverbs, adjectives, comparisons
  • do U2L3 ex. 11, 12,13  
  • Go to Versterk jezelf , read and do extra practice

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Week 47, Lesson 2

  • What did we do in the last  literature class?
  • What was today's homework?
  • Get ready for your class.

Slide 26 - Diapositive

Week 47, Lesson 2  
The curious incident of the dog in the night-time- Mark Hadden
Learning Targets:  Understand the purpose and requirements of the literature assignment. Comprehend the plot of the story and identify key details.
  • Go to MagisterLearn- Literature
  • Homework check 
  • Continue reading the book  .
  • For more information about your literature assignment go to MagisterLearn- Literature
  • Homework Questions on The Curious Incident – Part 2 (ch. 61-107)
  • Book: p. 42-93 PDF: p. 30-57

       Happy reading!

Slide 27 - Diapositive

Week 45, Lesson 2  
The curious incident of the dog in the night-time- Mark Hadden

  • Cardinal numbers vs prime numbers
Cardinale getallen zijn de gewone telgetallen die aangeven "hoeveel." Bijvoorbeeld 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, enzovoort. Dit zijn de getallen die je gebruikt om dingen te tellen.

Priemgetallen zijn speciale getallen groter dan 1 die alleen deelbaar zijn door 1 en henzelf, zonder dat er een rest overblijft. Dit betekent dat ze geen andere delers hebben. Bijvoorbeeld, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 en 13 zijn priemgetallen, omdat je ze alleen kunt delen door 1 en het getal zelf.


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Week 48, Lesson 1  

  • What did we do in the last class?
  • What was today's homework?  
  • Get your laptops ready.

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Week 48, Lesson 1 
Unit 2, Lesson 4
Learning Targets:  You understand how to use phrasal verbs, used to,  Past Perfect and Simple Past
  •  LessonUp  review -Adverbs & adjectives,
  • U2L4   do ex. 9-13 p. 95&96
  • Homework  for next week Wednesday: 

Phrasal verbs: get away with, hang on to, take after, pull over, find out, keep in touch, fill up, run over, keep up with, get on with,  make up for, break down, turn up

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Week 48, Lesson 1 
Unit 2, Lesson 4

She used to drink cofee . ( maar niet meer)

I used to go for a swim every morning

Vragende zinnen:
Did she use to drink coffee?

Ontkennede zinnen: I didn't use to drink coffee.

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Week 48, Lesson 1 
Unit 2, Lesson 4

Had + voltooid deelword ( had lived, had lost)
1. Een handeling was afgelopen toen de andere begon-
 I had lost my watch before I came to school.                                                                                                          I watched TV after I had done my homework.

.2.  Als op een bepald moment in het verleden een handeling of toestand al een tijdje duurde. When I started my studies I had worked in a bar for two years. .
They had known each other for six years when thy got married.      

Slide 32 - Diapositive

Week 48, Lesson 2

  1. Grab the book " The curious incident of the dog in the night-time""
  2. What did we do in the class last Thursday?
  3. What was today's homework?  
  4. Get your literature reader ready. Read the Introduction- p.2
  • Laptops closed!
Test week - Listening test
Week 5 - Unit 2 Test
  Week 8 - Literature  & Writing test

Slide 33 - Diapositive

Week 48, Lesson 2  
The curious incident of the dog in the night-time- Mark Hadden
Learning Targets:  Understand the purpose and requirements of the literature assignment. Comprehend the plot of the story and identify key details.
  • Homework check  and discussion
  • Continue reading the book  .
  • For more information about your literature assignment go to MagisterLearn- Literature
  • Homework Questions on The Curious Incident – Part 3 ( ch 109-149)

       Happy reading!

Slide 34 - Diapositive

Week 49, Lesson 1  

  • What did we do in class last Wednesday?
  • What was today's homework?  
  • Get your laptops ready.
  • Go to MagisterLearn- Versterk jezelf and review USED to and Past Perfect 

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Week 49, Lesson 1 
Unit 2, Lesson 5
Learning Targets: You understand the difference between Past Simple and Past Perfect , irregular adverbs.

  • Homework check: Lesson 4 ex. 10, 11,12, p.
  • Past Simple and Past Perfect p.ex. 10, 11 p.101
  • Irregular adverbs (well, fast, hardly, hard)

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Week 49, Lesson 1 
Unit 2, Lesson 5

Had + voltooid deelword ( had lived, had lost)
1. Een handeling was afgelopen toen de andere begon-
 I had lost my watch before I came to school.                                                                                                          I watched TV after I had done my homework.

.2.  Als op een bepald moment in het verleden een handeling of toestand al een tijdje duurde. When I started my studies I had worked in a bar for two years. .
They had known each other for six years when thy got married.      
Gary called her after he had managed to get her number.

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Iregular adverbs + hardvs. hardly
(well, fast,hard)

  1. She does her job ___________.( goed)
  2. She works _____________. (hart)
  3. She runs ____________________. ( snel)

Let op: hard vs.  hardly 

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Week 50, Lesson 1 
Unit 2, Lesson 5

Learning targets: Reading comprehension

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Week 49, Lesson 2

  • What did we do in class last  Thursday?
  • What was today's homework?  
  • Grab a book and get your literature reader ready
  • Week 6 - Curious incident - Part 5 HW.

Slide 40 - Diapositive

Week 49, Lesson 2  
The curious incident of the dog in the night-time- Mark Hadden
Learning Targets:  Understand the purpose and requirements of the literature assignment. Comprehend the plot of the story and identify key details.
  • Homework check  and discussion
  • Continue reading the book  .
  • For more information about your literature assignment go to MagisterLearn- Literature
  • Homework Questions on The Curious Incident – Part 4( ch 151-181) See yourliterature reader. Write your own notes about part 4.

       Happy reading!

Slide 41 - Diapositive

Week 50, Lesson 1 

  • Get ready for your class.
  • What did we do in the last class?
  • What was today's homework? 
  • Ex.11 p. 101

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Week 50, Lesson 2 
Grammar review
Learning targets:  Review grammar rules by teaching your peers, collaboration and time management.
  1. Past Simple & Past Perfect ( Group 1)
  2. Past Simple and Present Perfect  ( Group 2)
  3. Adjectives and Adverbs ( Group 3)
  4. Past Simple and Past Continuous ( Group 4)
  5. Used to  ( Group 5)
  6. Comparisons of Adjectives, irregular adjectives ( Group 6)


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Week 50, Lesson 1

  • What did we do in class last  Thursday?
  • What was today's homework?  
  •  Part 4 (ch 151-181)  Write your own notes about part 4.
  • Grab a book and get your literature reader ready
  • Week 51 - Curious incident - Part 5 HW.
  • Learning Targets: You will be able to understand the main points and identify key details in a a video clip.
  • Listening test is worth 25% of the total grade,
  • What do you have to know about your listening test?.
  • Go to Woots - follow my instructions
  • How to improve your listening skills?
  •  Watch English content: films, series, and YouTube videos. Try watching with English subtitles at first, then switch to no subtitles.
  •  Listen to Podcasts and Audiobooks: Find topics that interest you. Focus on listening without visual distractions.

Slide 44 - Diapositive

Week 50 Lesson 2  
The curious incident of the dog in the night-time- Mark Hadden
Learning Targets:  Understand the purpose and requirements of the literature assignment. Comprehend the plot of the story and identify key details.
  • Homework check  and discussion
  • Continue reading the book  .
  • For more information about your literature assignment go to MagisterLearn- Literature
  • Homework Questions on The Curious Incident –  Part 5 t/m 223 (pp 180 - 220)) See your literature reader. Write your own notes about  part 5.

       Happy reading!

Slide 45 - Diapositive

Week 50, Lesson 1

  • What did we do in class last  Thursday?
  • What was today's homework?  
  •  Part 4 (ch 151-181)  Write your own notes about part 4.
  • Grab a book and get your literature reader ready
  • Week 51 - Curious incident - Part 5 HW.
  • Learning Targets: You will be able to understand the main points and identify key details in a a video clip.
  • Listening test is worth 25% of the total grade,
  • What do you have to know about your listening test?.
  • Go to Woots - follow my instructions
  • How to improve your listening skills?
  •  Watch English content: films, series, and YouTube videos. Try watching with English subtitles at first, then switch to no subtitles.
  •  Listen to Podcasts and Audiobooks: Find topics that interest you. Focus on listening without visual distractions.

Slide 46 - Diapositive

Week 51, Lesson 1

  • What did we do in class last  Wednesday?
  • What was today's homework?  
Test week - Listening test
Week 5 - Unit 2 Test
  Week 8 - Literature & Writing test

Slide 47 - Diapositive

Week 51, Lesson 1
Learning Targets: You will be able to understand the main points and identify key details in an audio clip. You will gain a clear understanding of the format of Woots.
  • What do you have to know about your listening test?.
  • Go to Woots - follow my instructions
  • How to improve your listening skills?
  •  Watch English content: films, series, and YouTube videos. Try watching with English subtitles at first, then switch to no subtitles.
  •  Listen to Podcasts and Audiobooks: Find topics that interest you. Focus on listening without visual distractions.

Slide 48 - Diapositive

Week 51, Lesson 1

  1. Grab the book " The curious incident of the dog in the night-time""
  2. What did we do in the class last Thursday?
  3. What was today's homework?  
  4. Get your literature reader ready. 
  • Laptops closed!
Test week - Listening test
Week 5 - Unit 2 Test
 Week 8 - Literature  & Writing test


Slide 49 - Diapositive

Week 51 Lesson 21 
The curious incident of the dog in the night-time- Mark Hadden
Learning Targets:  Understand the purpose and requirements of the literature assignment. Comprehend the plot of the story and identify key details.
  •  Continue reading your  novel
  • For more information about your literature assignment go to MagisterLearn- Literature
  • Discuss homework Questions on The Curious Incident –  Part 5 t/m 223 (pp 180 - 220)) . Write your own notes about  part 5.
  • January  9, 2025 -HW Questions on The Curious Incident – Read Part 6 (ch. 223-233)
  •  See your literature reader. Write your own notes on part 5.

       Happy reading!

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