"The Scramble for Africa" was the occupation and colonization of the African continent by the major European powers between 1880 and 1914.
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World War 1 (1914 - 1918)
also known as The Great war
The Two alliances:
1 The Allies (UK, France, Russia)
2 The Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria)
Let's look at their concerns and ambitions
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Causes and the Direct Cause of WW1
Causes: = oorzaken
more than one, can even be further back in time
Direct Cause = aanleiding
only one, the trigger
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Causes and the Direct Cause of WW1
M = Militarism (+ arms race)
A = Alliances
I = Imperialism
N = Nationalism
E=Economic competition
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Politicians at the time called this system of alliances the "Balance of Power"
They believed that the size and power of the two alliances would prevent either side from starting a war
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Nation, state, nationalism, ethnic group
a nation (volk) is a group of people that feel connected because they share the same language, religion, history, culture.
examples: The Dutch, The Spanish, Turks, Poles, Chinese etc.
a state is the territory (with boundaries, infrastructure and a government) in which a nation lives.
examples: The Netherlands, Spain, Turkey, Poland etc.
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Nation, state, nationalism, ethnic group
Nationalism: a strong love for one's own nation. The feeling that one's own nation is the best.
nationality: the status of belonging to a particular nation by birth or naturalization.
Ethnic group : a group of the population that, in a larger society, is set apart and bound together because they share race, language, nationality, or culture.