16. Feedback Formative B

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Slide 1: Diapositive
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Cette leçon contient 11 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 45 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

¿Qué día es hoy?
La fecha de hoy en español

Hoy es _(day)_, _(number)__ de noviembre de dos mil veinticuatro (2024)

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Aquí el profe puede simplemente escribir la fecha de hoy en la pizarra para ir más rápido. Creo que es bueno incluir esto  para despertar la curiosidad. 
¿Cómo estás hoy? Hoy estoy ___ ____ _____

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Slide 4 - Diapositive

Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

La pregunta de hoy
¿Qué estudio para el examen Sumativo B? 
 (What to study for the Summative B (reading?)


What is your personal answer to this question? 
Be specific!
(just saying "study more" is not accepted)

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Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

Your answer is here

Take notes and underline the aspects of the feedback that you think are the most important and challenging for you. 
All the feedback is referred to the formative but you can apply it to the summative

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Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

Know if a text is formal or informal
Feedback: Formal texts sound serious and professional. Informal texts are more casual and friendly, like talking to a friend. Look for clues like “usted” (formal) or “tu amigo” (informal).
Pay attention to clear information
Feedback: Details like how many students or teachers there are, are right there in the text. Highlight or circle these numbers so you don’t miss them! 
Read between the lines
Feedback: Sometimes the answer isn’t written directly. Think about the “why” behind the facts. For example, if Rogelio doesn’t like religion (as in the formative we did), look at what he says about it to guess why.
Practice vocabulary translations.
Feedback:  Flashcards or practice games can help! Use the Quizlets  included in the Lesson Ups or create your own cards. 
Match sentences carefully
Feedback: Read all the options before deciding what matches. Look for key words that make the meaning clear, like “difícil” (difficult) or “útil” (useful).

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Organize subjects by day
Feedback: Take notes in the space given to answer the question to help you place subjects like math, French, or music on the right days. Visual organization makes it easier to keep track! You can erase those notes afterwards.
Learn classroom words
Feedback:  Practice words like “estuche” (pencil case), “ordenador” (computer), and “pizarra” (board). Drawing pictures or using flashcards or Quizlet can help you remember them.
Understand tone (serious or friendly?)
Feedback: Look at how the writer talks. Does the writer sound professional, or like they’re talking to a friend? Words like “usted” are formal, and words like “tú” are informal.
Compare your school to Rogelio’s
Feedback: Think about how your school is the same or different. For example, does your school have a gym or a library like his? Use examples from both schools to explain your answer. Use "hay" to give your answer.

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Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

Use your time wisely
Feedback: Don’t get stuck on one question! If something is tricky, move on and come back later. Practice answering questions quickly at home to get better at managing your time.
Write in the correct language!
Feedback: Make sure to answer questions in Spanish when asked, and in English when required. Mixing the two can make you lose points!
Don’t translate word-for-word
Tip: When writing in Spanish directly do not use English word order,  by now you know it is different. 

What are you goin to do with this feedback? 
In your notebook explain specifically what and how your are going to study for the B assessment. 

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Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions

Use your time wisely
Feedback: Don’t get stuck on one question! If something is tricky, move on and come back later. Practice answering questions quickly at home to get better at managing your time.
Write in the correct language!
Feedback: Make sure to answer questions in Spanish when asked, and in English when required. Mixing the two can make you lose points!
Don’t translate word-for-word
Feedback: When writing in Spanish do not use English word order, by now you know it is different. 

What are you going to do with this feedback? 
Use the My Feed Cycle form to explain what your next steps are regarding the giving feedback. Make a copy of the form and save it in your own device, you will use it again for the next formative. 
Once filled in go to MB>Portfolio> Post reflection (tip>save only the link to your document)
Last step: upload a copy of the document to MB. Your teacher has opened a Dropbox for this purpose. 

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Slide 11 - Diapositive

Cet élément n'a pas d'instructions