9. Formative Progress Feedback 30th Jan

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Slide 1: Diapositive
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Cette leçon contient 14 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 45 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Slide 1 - Diapositive

-¿Qué tal estás?
-¿Cómo estás?
-¿Cómo te sientes?

-Hoy me siento...
-Hoy estoy...

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Slide 3 - Diapositive

  • This feedback is based on the main issues found in your assessments.
  • Take notes in your notebook, especially of the informations that applies specifically to you: many mistakes, very challenging, etc
  • After going through the feedback, you will complete the My Feed Cycle document.
  • Be specific when answering these questions: 

How can I use the FeedBACK and FeedUP for the upcoming summative assessment?
What are practical examples of what I should aim for?

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Feedback for Strand I
  •  These questions often have direct answers from the video.
  • Pay close attention to specific details (names, family relationship)
  • Focus on the words! 
  • Write down notes if you need to, like madre, hermanos, or trabaja.

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Strand II

  • Are the people friendly and casual? Listen for clues:
  • Do they use "tú" (informal) or "usted" (formal)?
  • Do they kiss on the cheek? That’s a cultural clue!
  • This helps you answer questions about whether they’re formal or informal.

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Strand III
Use the Video for Comparison
  • When you’re asked about your family:
  • Think: “In my family, who is similar to the people in the video?”
  • Example: If the video family has dogs, you can say, “En mi  familia no tenemos perros, tenemos gatos.”

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Don’t Forget to Explain Fully

For multi-part questions, answer both parts!
Example: If the question asks how Sonia feels about the cinema and why, say:
“Sonia no quiere ir porque hace una mueca.”
(First say what she feels, then explain why.)

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Write Clearly

  • Use short sentences and simple words. 
  • You don’t need long answers to get full points! Just write what you know and be clear.

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Before the Assessment

  • Review in Lesson Up the family vocabulary (padres, hermanos, abuelos, amigos).
  • Practice listening to Spanish videos with simple sentences. Focus on catching key words, not understanding everything.
  • Remember, even if you’re not sure, try your best.

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Listen to Simple Spanish Videos or Audio:

  • Write What You Hear:
  • After listening, write down what you understood. For example:
  • El padre trabaja en una farmacia.
  • Sonia tiene tres hermanos.
  • Replay the video to check your answers.
Practice makes the master. 

Do the same with these videos: 
Vídeo 1
Practice with the formative assessment: 

Write What You Hear:

After listening, write down what you understood. For example:
El padre trabaja en una farmacia.
Sonia tiene tres hermanos.
Replay the video to check your answers.

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Practice Answering Questions
  • Use the example questions from the formative assessment.
  • Example: ¿Cómo se llaman los padres de María?
  • Write your answer and say it out loud.
  • For comparison questions, think about your own family:
"Mi familia es similar porque también tenemos un perro"
"Es diferente porque vivimos en Madrid y no en Alicante."

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Why This Helps

  • You’ll feel more confident about the types of questions you’ll see.
  • You’ll improve your listening and writing skills by practicing with real examples.
  • You’ll avoid common errors by reviewing key tips from the feedback.

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