Me and my friend went fishing and it was a two-hour drive to get to the spot where we wanted to fish. After 30 minutes of fishing, my friend lost his hook. He didn't want to watch me fish so we already left after 45 minutes.
Slide 4 - Question ouverte
I went fishing with my dad. We caught some amazing fish, but then the guards came and they fined us for fishing there. My father had no idea that it was illegal to fish there.
Slide 5 - Question ouverte
I was fishing with my mate and we were having a good time. My buddy brought some beers and we enjoyed ourselves, but then he cut his finger open with the hook. It didn't stop bleeding for a long time.
Slide 6 - Question ouverte
What should you do when a fish you want to release swallowed the hook? Answer in Dutch.
Slide 7 - Question ouverte
How should your release a fish back in the water according to the text? Answer in Dutch.
Slide 8 - Question ouverte
Work independently
Maak opdracht 10 van paragraaf 5.4
Slide 9 - Diapositive
Wat wordt er in de tekst bedoeld met: "Wildlife sightings can’t ever be guaranteed, but there are trends."
Wilde dieren spotten is tegenwoordig een trend
Je weet niet zeker of je wilde dieren tegen komt bij het spotten
Je kan nooit weten wanneer je kans hebt om walvissen te zien
Als geen wilde dieren ziet krijg je vaak geld terug