Les 2 - 3.1 The hydrological cycle

  • The journey of a drop of water
  • Crossword puzzle
1 / 18
Slide 1: Diapositive
AardrijkskundeMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 3

Cette leçon contient 18 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 45 min

Éléments de cette leçon

  • The journey of a drop of water
  • Crossword puzzle

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Key words §3.1
Fresh water (zoet water): Water with a low concentration of dissolved salt. Drinking water is fresh water too.
Salt water (zout water): Water with a high concentration of dissolved salt. Sea water for example
Precipitation (neerslag): The different ways water falls back down to earth. For instance as rain, snow or hail.
Evaporation (verdamping): The process of water in liquid form turning into water in gaseous (gas) form..
Condensation (condensatie): The proces of a gas turning into a liquid. When watervapour cools it condenses into tiny drops of water and ice crystals. This is what we call clouds.
Infiltration (infiltratie): process by which water enters the soil (bodem)
Hydrological cycle (waterkringloop): The process by which seawater returns to the sea through evaporation and precipitation, and through groundwater and rivers
Watervapour (waterdamp): The gaseous state of water
Surface water (oppervlaktewater): water that is visible, such as lakes, rivers and seas
Ground water (grondwater): Water that is no longer visible, because it has infiltrated into the rock, and is now underground.
Glacier (gletsjer): Large bodies of ice on mountains as a result of snow falling on the mountains, which accumulates over time
Landice (landijs): Masses of ice which are on land

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Slide 4 - Lien

The journey of a drop of water
The start:
David the drop is one of a lot of drops in the sea

Slide 5 - Diapositive

The journey of a drop of water
Step 1:
  • David the drop gets heated by the sun and evaporates
  • Evaporation (verdamping): The process of water in liquid form turning into water in gaseous (gas) form. 
  • Condensation (condensatie): The proces of a gas turning into a liquid. When water vapor cools it condenses into tiny drops of water and ice crystals. This is what we call clouds.

Slide 6 - Diapositive

The journey of a drop of water
Step 2:
  • David the drop falls down e.g. precipitates
  • Precipitation (neerslag): The different ways water falls back down to earth. For instance as rain, snow or hail.

Slide 7 - Diapositive

The journey of a drop of water
The end:
David the drop is one of a lot of drops in the sea

Slide 8 - Diapositive

The short water cycle!
Hydrological cycle (waterkringloop): The process by which seawater returns to the sea through evaporation and precipitation, and through groundwater and rivers

Slide 9 - Diapositive

The journey of a drop of water
Step 2:
  • David the drop falls down e.g. precipitates and becomes part of a glacier
  • Glacier (gletsjer): Large bodies of ice on mountains as a result of snow falling on the mountains, which accumulates over time
  • Landice (landijs): Masses of ice which are on land

Slide 10 - Diapositive

The journey of a drop of water
Step 3:
  • David the drop slowly flows down the glacier at a speed of 30 meters a day
  • This glacier in norway is 176 km long
  • So roughly 6000 days later he melts and becomes part of a river

Slide 11 - Diapositive

The journey of a drop of water
Step 4:
  • David the drop quickly flows back to the sea
  • Surface water (oppervlaktewater): water that is visible, such as lakes, rivers and seas

Slide 12 - Diapositive

The journey of a drop of water
The end:
David the drop is one of a lot of drops in the sea

Slide 13 - Diapositive

The long water cycle!
Hydrological cycle (waterkringloop): The process by which seawater returns to the sea through evaporation and precipitation, and through groundwater and rivers

Slide 14 - Diapositive

The journey of a drop of water
Step 2:
  • David the drop falls down e.g. precipitates somewhere in the countryside and infiltrates
  • Infiltration (infiltratie): process by which water enters the soil (bodem)
  • Ground water (grondwater): Water that is no longer visible, because it has infiltrated into the rock, and is now underground.

Slide 15 - Diapositive

The journey of a drop of water
Step 3:
  • David the drop goes down and down through tiny gaps in the rock below the countryside
  • He ends up in a reservoir deep underground
  • And stays there for 10.000 years

Slide 16 - Diapositive

The longest water cycle!
Hydrological cycle (waterkringloop): The process by which seawater returns to the sea through evaporation and precipitation, and through groundwater and rivers

Slide 17 - Diapositive

Make the crossword
Fresh water (zoet water): Water with a low concentration of dissolved salt. Drinking water is fresh water too.
Salt water (zout water): Water with a high concentration of dissolved salt. Sea water for example
Precipitation (neerslag): The different ways water falls back down to earth. For instance as rain, snow or hail.
Evaporation (verdamping): The process of water in liquid form turning into water in gaseous (gas) form. So the sea turning into clouds basically.
Infiltration (infiltratie): process by which water enters the soil (bodem)
Hydrological cycle (waterkringloop): The process by which seawater returns to the sea through evaporation and precipitation, and through groundwater and rivers
Surface water (oppervlaktewater): water that is visible, such as lakes, rivers and seas
Ground water (grondwater): Water that is no longer visible, because it has infiltrated into the rock, and is now underground.
Glacier (gletsjer): Large bodies of ice on mountains as a result of snow falling on the mountains, which accumulates over time
Landice (landijs): Masses of ice which are on land

Slide 18 - Diapositive