World Cup 2022: What has and hasn’t been banned in Qatar?
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Slide 4 - Link
Preliminary planner block 2
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Relative Clauses
Betrekkelijke bijzin: provides extra information about something that has already been mentioned, for instance a person, thing, animal, place, or event.
NL: die (bij 'de-woorden'), dat (bij 'het-woorden), wat, waar.
ENG: who, which, that, what, where, when
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Relative Clauses
Kan bijv. verwijzen naar:
een zelfstandig naamwoord (a noun)
een voornaamwoord (a pronoun)
een hele zin (a main or subclause)
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Relative Clauses
Who: verwijst terug naar een persoon
My brother Tim, who is a law student, lives in London.
Which: het antecedent is geen persoon
The old Rolls Royce, which is worth a fortune right now, is parked in the garage.
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Relative clauses
Link to a word previously mentioned
Links up two parts of the sentence
Martin played Tennis with Sophie, who was slightly injured.
relative pronoun
Noa sold her phone, which was old and damaged.
relative pronoun
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Restrictive relative clauses
Beperkende bijzin: essential information
In the middle or end of sentence
No commas!
He is the doctor who helped my grandmother.
This is the airport where I lost my bag.
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Non-restrictive relative clauses
Uitbreidende bijzin: additional information
In the middle or end of sentence
Starts and ends with comma
Do not use 'that'!!!
The Times, which is published in London, is a daily newspaper.
The Times is a daily newspaper.
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Relative clauses
You can leave out relative pronouns if:
it is a 'restrictive' relative clause'
the pronoun does NOT relate to the subject
there is a pronoun behind it
The flowers which he gave me were beautiful.
Persoonlijk: ik, jij, hij, etc.
Bezittelijk: mijn, zijn, onze, etc.
Wederkerend: me, je, zich, etc.
The flowers he gave me were beautiful.
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Relative clauses
Whose = van wie, wiens
John, whose sister lives in Groningen, is 18 years old
Whom = die (esp. formal language)
Mij uncle Peter, whom I saw last Tuesday, is bald.
What= als er geen antecedent is
What he says is not true ('That which')
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Relative pronouns
Na 'all', something', 'nothing', 'anything' etc heeft 'that' the voorkeur
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