Encourage learners to reveal what they think 👉 See, Think, Me, We

With this targeted learning technique students are encouraged to look at a meaningful image connected to actuality: what do they see and think?
By creating personal and global associations, you make sure your students work on different levels. They are stimulated to find connections, and to activate their prior knowledge. In our lesson we propose a black & white picture of Londoners sheltering during World War II.
Want to encourage learners to reveal what they think? Try out our intuitive toolkit for teachers.

Step 1 👉 See: mind map
During the ‘see’ step you ask them: “What do you see in the photo?”
Encourage learners to look closely at the image. Ask them to describe exclusively what they see, and to wait until the next step before interpreting it. Tell them not to express their opinions. It can be quite a challenge, and you might have to remind them about it. Their answers will appear in a mind map.

Step 2 👉 Think: mind map
During the ‘think’ step you ask your students: “What do you think is happening in this photo?”
All thoughts are welcome, but you can guide them by posing questions such as: “What’s happening in this picture? What could it mean? Why do you say so?” At some point, it will become clear to all of them what the image is about. Once that’s clear, dive deeper into the thoughts of your students…

Step 3 👉 Me: mind map
During the ‘me’ step you ask them: “How does the photo relate or connect to your experience?”
This step tries to create a personal connection between the picture and your students’ lives. Your students will share personal stories only if your classroom represents a safe and trusting environment. Set a good example and share your story first. It might be helpful to divide your students in pairs.

Step 4 👉 We: mind map
During the ‘we’ step you ask them: “How does the photo relate to what you see or hear in the outside world?”
With this question you invite students to look for connections outside their private world. You could help them by asking them to think about how their family history relates to a global theme. You guide them back to your subject. The personal connections are created, and will stick with them for a while.