Help your students revise for a test with: Guess the words!

Thomas Courtley, ex teacher and LessonUp education specialist

Thomas Courtley

Education Specialist

Cover image blog_ Help your students revise for a test with_ Guess the words!

What kind of learning technique is this? Most probably some of you have already worked with the learning technique ‘banned words’: students have to describe a person, object or concept without using certain words. With today’s learning technique students actually gain points for guessing the banned words.

How does it work?

To implement this learning technique you write down 4 or 5 words concerning a certain topic on the whiteboard, or on a LessonUp slide. One of your students sits with his/her back to the whiteboard or screen, while another student (or the rest of the class) explains the chosen topic. There are 2 important rules to follow: 

1. The explanation cannot include the words written on the screen 

2. It may last no longer than 60 seconds

Each time that the other student guesses one of the banned words, he or she gains 1 point.


How do you create this learning technique?

You can make this learning technique as big and complex as you would like. You could use a drag & drop question, in which every guessed word is dragged to the field guessed. Yet a simple whiteboard, or a digital slide with a list of words and a timer, are also enough to start an entertaining game.


If you are using LessonUp...

  1. Add a number of slides to your lesson, each one displaying different words. Make sure to add an empty slide both before and after every written slide 👉 to prevent the guessing student from seeing the banned words.
  2. Add a timer component and set it at 60 seconds.
  3. Write the chosen topic on top of the slide (header). Underneath the header, list the banned words.

How do you implement it in the classroom?

This learning technique is the perfect way to conclude the last lesson before a test or exam. You could:

  • Divide your students in groups of 2 or 3
  • Divide the class in 2 groups
  • Work with individual students
  • Give the students more time
  • Ask students not to mention the subject matter

Enjoy exploring this learning technique, and experiencing how much it activates and entertains your students!