Teaching engineering with purpose: from presenting to guiding learners at Belfast MET

Thomas Courtley, ex teacher and LessonUp education specialist

Thomas Courtley

Teaching & Learning Lead

Teaching engineering with purpose

This is the fifth year that Kyle Smith has been teaching at Belfast Metropolitan College, where he serves as a lecturer in mechanical and manufacturing engineering. Every day, he finds fulfilment in his role, as it allows him to apply the skills learned during his engineering degree. Despite being trained as an engineer, Kyle doesn't only teach the technical aspects of the field. He also focusses on the social and psychological elements of teaching, which are key to helping learners succeed.

by Thomas Courtley

3 main reasons why Kyle uses LessonUp in his classes

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Student Participation

Students enjoy LessonUp’s interactive features. They help boost engagement.

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Improved Learning Outcomes

Kyle loves seeing students actively learn, and recall lessons long after class.

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LessonUp's Caring Support

The support team is always available, ready to assist and open to feedback!


Why Kyle's teaching style wasn’t working

Kyle teaches post-secondary students from diverse backgrounds, some needing more support, while others work independently. "Early on, my trainers told me I’d teach the way I was taught, and—surprise surprise—I fell into that traditional, engineering-focused style." At first, Kyle didn’t think much of it, but soon noticed his students weren’t engaged. "They sat quietly, didn’t take many notes, and left without much interaction." Reflecting on this, he asked himself, "What am I doing wrong? How can I get them more involved and engaged with the content?"


A wise colleague’s advice

A wise colleague once told Kyle, “What’s the job of a student? Their role is to learn. Your role is to facilitate that learning.” This advice was a turning point for him. "I realised I needed to shift from being the lecturer to being the facilitator." As Kyle considered this, the LessonUp team was invited to visit Belfast Metropolitan College, offering their platform as a solution. Over the following years, Kyle started implementing a flipped classroom approach, encouraging students to take an active role in their learning. "LessonUp provided the platform and tools I needed to make this shift happen."

What’s the job of a student? A learner? Their role is to learn, so we should transfer that responsibility onto them. We are there to guide and facilitate their learning.
Kyle 🤝

How LessonUp helps him support his students

LessonUp’s ability to track student engagement is one of its most powerful features. "During my training, I was taught not to fear silence, but LessonUp takes it further by letting me pause videos to ask questions." This gives Kyle real-time feedback on who remembers the content and who needs more support. He also uses LessonUp’s AI assistant, Maia, to create exit tickets, helping him track which students understand the lesson: "This feedback allows me to adjust my teaching to ensure everyone is supported." LessonUp also helps Kyle track assignments, giving him a clear overview of each student's learning.


When a student walks up to you…

Last year, one student, who Kyle no longer teaches, approached him and asked if he was still using LessonUp. "He told me he loved using quizzes, mind maps, and open questions because they encouraged a bit of healthy competition." More importantly, this student felt he was engaging with the material on a deeper level. "Moments like these remind me why I teach," Kyle reflects, "You are not always guaranteed to see the end result when you are teaching. Whenever a student comes to me and says: 'I remember that. I enjoyed it', that’s so meaningful."

The interactive features allow me to engage students actively, rather than over-explaining my lesson. This way, I avoid the risk of talking while students might disengage.
Kyle 💡

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