Export your students’ reports to an excel document in 3 steps

Thomas Courtley, ex teacher and LessonUp education specialist

Thomas Courtley

Education Specialist

Cover image blog_ Export your students’ reports to an excel document in 3 steps

Discover in this article how you can export your student's reports to an excel document.

If you work with LessonUp in the class, you are used to having your student reports nicely saved in your LessonUp environment. They are safe and always consultable, until you decide to delete a class. 

To consult an overview of all student reports generated by LessonUp, and save them outside of the teaching platform, feel free to export them as Excel sheets. Let’s check out together how to do so, step by step: 


Step 1

Go to the reports of your shared lesson or test

Step 2

Click on the button download report

Step 3

Select which parts of the report you want to have in the excel sheet, then click on: download report.  A XLSX file will be downloaded to your computer. 

Tip for pros 💡

In excel you can make graphics and diagrams of the exported reports. Let’s check out together how to do so, step by step: 

  • Select the data you want to be in a graph or diagram, for example student test scores
  • Choose a graph/diagram and click on insert
  • Check out the graph and diagram options 
  • Select one of the graph or diagram options
  • Select OK