Session 5

Element 7: Child Development
Session 5 
T - Levels in Education and Early Years 
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Slide 1: Slide
MathematicsFurther Education (Key Stage 5)

This lesson contains 11 slide, with interactive quiz and text slide.

Items in this lesson

Element 7: Child Development
Session 5 
T - Levels in Education and Early Years 

Slide 1 - Slide

Learning Objectives 
By the end of the session all learners will:
  • Engage in recap and recall questions.
  • Explore Mary Ainsworth's attachment theory.
  • Research the attachment theories of Michael Rutter and Schaffer & Emerson's theory.

Slide 2 - Slide

Summarise what is meant
by fine motor movement?
(use an example)

Slide 3 - Mind map

Corrie's fine and gross motor movements are typical for his age group. He loves climbing and riding his bike. He can also walk backwards confidently. He likes colouring and can cut out a simple shape.

Identify which age group Corrie might be in?
Explain what his next steps of development might be.

Slide 4 - Open question

Mary Ainsworth 
Strange Situation Classification 
Ainsworth researched attachment styles using an experiment called 'Strange situation Classification' .

In her experiment she researched how parenting may affect the quality of attachment, children need a secure attachment to parents before seeking unfamiliar situations. 

She focused on children aged 9 - 18 months and monitored how babies would act when their primary care giver left the room. 

The results led her to summarise her findings in to 4 types of attachment styles.

Slide 5 - Slide

Mary Ainsworth 
*Her theory focus on the quality of attachment. ​
*Ainsworth created a scenario ‘strange situation’ to measure babies reaction when left with a stranger and then reunited with their mum/dad.​ She mainly focused on the children's behaviour.
*The strange situation is divided in to 8 parts – each part lasts about 3 minutes.

Slide 6 - Slide

Attachment styles explained
Secure attachment - Babies and toddlers who have parents that attend to their every need are more likely to be securely attached. When an attachment is secure the baby is normally happy exploring whilst their parent is present and they are relaxed if a stranger enters the room. They will show distress if the parents leaves and they are left alone with the stranger.

Insecure avoidant - Babies and toddlers with this attachment style tend to ignore their parent and do not show any reactions when the parent leaves. They do not explore very much and show no fear or worry that a stranger has entered the room.
Children with this attachment style, may have parents who ignore their needs. 

Slide 7 - Slide

Attachment styles explained
Insecure ambivalent - Young children with this attachment style are clingy to the parent at all times, even prior to the experiment starting. They are very worried about the stranger entering the room, baby can show significant signs of worry and distress when left with the strangers. When the parent returns they are hard to comfort and may appear anger. This occurs because of inconsistent parenting.

Disorganised / disorientated - This attachment style was added after it was noted that some children did not fit into either of the above 3 categories. Babies and toddlers with this attachment style demonstrated a range of emotions, while some wanted to be close to a parents and others did not.

Slide 8 - Slide

How do you think Ainsworth's attachment theory work influence EY practice?

Slide 9 - Open question

Ainsworth's Influence
Ainsworth's research helped structure advice and support given to parents. 
The importance of meeting children's needs was held of high importance and how being avoidant of a child's needs can affect their later development. 

Classes such as baby massage and baby sensory are designed to encourage the primary caregiver to physically meet a child's needs.

It was also later researched that children with parents who experienced trauma such as depression may result in having a disorganised attachment style.

Slide 10 - Slide

Google Slides Research Task 
You will now be asked to work together and research:
 Michael Rutter's theory of attachment 
Rudolf Schaffer & Peggy Emerson attachment theory

You will do this on google slides on your table. 

Please can you all save a copy in your drives !!! 

Slide 11 - Slide